You're welcome. In doing this, I learned about the persistent key, so
everyone wins. Let us know how it goes.

On Apr 9, 1:15 pm, Sergei Gerasenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Matt, thanks so much for all the time you took to test this thing. I
> can see how it could work now. I'm off and running now.
> Thanks!!!
> On Mon, Apr 09, 2007 at 07:59:26PM -0000, BlenderStyle wrote:
> > Okay, I just tried it, and it worked. Here's what I did:
> > Downloaded cake_1.2.0.4798alpha, extracted it, and made app/tmp
> > writeable.
> > I created the following databases/users/tables:
> > database: multidbtest_a
> > user: multidbtest_a
> > table: users (id, name)
> > database: multidbtest_b
> > user:multidbtest_b
> > table: profiles (id, user_id, name)
> > I setup app/config/database.php as follows:
> > var $default = array(
> > 'driver' => 'mysql',
> > 'persistent' => false,
> > 'host' => 'localhost',
> > 'login' => 'multidbtest_a',
> > 'password' => 'NNJdALDhvm6Uqm8,',
> > 'database' => 'multidbtest_a',
> > 'prefix' => ''
> > );
> > var $dbb = array(
> > 'driver' => 'mysql',
> > 'persistent' => false,
> > 'host' => 'localhost',
> > 'login' => 'multidbtest_b',
> > 'password' => ':.bwaJ6wXCDQs8Q:',
> > 'database' => 'multidbtest_b',
> > 'prefix' => ''
> > );
> > I created two models with two controllers. The first model is User:
> > class User extends AppModel
> > {
> > var $name = 'User';
> > var $useDbConfig = 'default';
> > var $useTable = 'users';
> > var $hasOne = array(
> > 'Profile' => array(
> > 'className'                => 'Profile',
> > 'foreignKey'       => 'user_id'
> > )
> > );
> > }
> > The other model is Profile:
> > class Profile extends AppModel
> > {
> > var $name = 'Profile';
> > var $useDbConfig = 'dbb';
> > var $useTable = 'profiles';
> > var $belongsTo = array(
> > 'User' => array(
> > 'className'                => 'User',
> > 'foreignKey'       => 'user_id'
> > )
> > );
> > }
> > Then, my two controllers:
> > class UsersController extends AppController
> > {
> > var $name = 'users';
> > var $scaffold;
> > }
> > class ProfilesController extends AppController
> > {
> > var $name = 'profiles';
> > var $scaffold;
> > }
> > I browsed to and created a couple of users, then
> > went over to and created some profiles for those
> > users. That's it. Took about 5 minutes to get this up and running. The
> > real key to making this work is the persistent key (ha! a pun) in the
> > database configs. I think 1.2 defaults to persistent false, where 1.1
> > doesn't.
> > Matt Bowden
> > On Apr 9, 10:10 am, Sergei Gerasenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > > Yes, that should work. I haven't tried it, and I don't know how Cake
> > > > queries in a situation like this, but it doesn't hurt to try. Try it
> > > > out with scaffolding, and see if it works. Let us know.
> > > I think it would definitely stop working if database "B" has another
> > > username/password combination. This whole issue could throw a big wrench 
> > > into
> > > the gears. But I'll try tonight anyway and will let you know.
> --
> Sergei Gerasenko
> IT Department
> PublicSchoolWORKS
> Phone: (513)-631-6111

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