Sorry, forget this post. The problem was ambiguity in the "order by"

The only strange thing is that Cake didn't show an error to let me
know which was the problem, while it does this for any other model...

Could this (not showing errors) have something to do with the fact
that I changed the default pages architecture?


On 11 apr, 16:22, "gerbenzomp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've changed Cake's default static "pages" architecture to be dynamic,
> and also commented out the default route for this controller. All went
> fine, until I tried to get some associations up and running.
> I tried to link pages to sites, using belongsTo, but when I do a
> pr($data); in the view, nothing is shown. When I remove the
> association it shows a normal array of all the pages. I tried several
> kinds of associations, but they all have the same effect (nothing is
> printed).
> I have no problems making associations in any other model, just the
> pages one. Could there be some sort of (namespace?) conflict with the
> inner workings of Cake? And if so, is there a solution, because I'd
> really like to use the name "pages" in the url.

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