Hi CakePHP bakers!

Just read through the CakePHP manual and finished the blog-tutorial,
and everything works great.
Next step would be to add a counter to the posts. How many times a
post have been read...

Where should I put this code? The counter should only be updated
everytime a user clicks
the link, not everytime the post is shown (refresh etc).

So far I've made a populateCount function in the post model:
function populateCount($id)
   $this->query("UPDATE posts SET post_views +'1' WHERE id='$id'");

..and in the posts_controller.php file:
function display($id, $url)

This works but the post_views is updated everytime the post is
refreshed or gets a direct request...

Silly newbie question with a simple solution?
In advance, thanks!

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