I was thinking about extending AppModel and/or AppController to add
some application-wide functionality and maybe alter a few things to
fit my way of working etc.

Now i know this has been discussed here before but from what i've read
(threads that were 6-9 months old) i'm not happy with the outcome.  It
seems that the developers suggested that the best option is to copy
AppModel (or AppController) into the app directory in orer to create
and application-specific version then make changes in that.

Now i was educated in strict OO development and this just doesn't sit
right with me.  It seems like i  should extend the class and do my
extra work in there, then create all my Models by extending my new
class rather than AppModel.  Likewise with any site-wide controller
alterations i want to make.

Now can anyopne explain to me if this is a bad idea, and if so - why?
I'm not trying to be difficult and I think Cake is a great framework,
but the idea of copying a class then butchering it just goes against
all the years of education i've had in layered OO development!!

Many thanks in advance.

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