In my orders controller I have the following (The idea is to use the 
orders index view to show a list of orders for a contact, the contact 
could be a patient or an Audiologist (If it's an audiologist they might 
be the dispensing or delivery audiologist (don't ask I also thought it 
was madness but anyway thats what the client needs)) I call this with a 
requestAction in the view. Mainly because I can't quite figure how to do 
this properly in the model for contacts I have the Orders model set up 
with BelongsTo for each contact type but my brain ain't working to work 
the other way around.
belongsTo of order.php model
  var $belongsTo = array(

    function OrdersByContact($id) {
        $this->Order->recursive = 0;
            if (!isset($type) || $type=='') $type='%';

This generates the count query as below and a similar full query, 
unfortunately mysql is choking on this query I have to kill the process:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM `orders` AS `Order` LEFT JOIN `practices` 
AS `DispensingPractice` ON (`Order`.`disp_practice_id` = 
`DispensingPractice`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `contacts` AS 
`DispensingAudiologist` ON (`DispensingAudiologist`.`type`='Audiologist' 
AND `Order`.`disp_contact_id` = `DispensingAudiologist`.`id`) LEFT JOIN 
`practices` AS `DeliveryPractice` ON (`Order`.`deliv_practice_id` = 
`DeliveryPractice`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `contacts` AS `DeliveryAudiologist` 
ON (`DeliveryAudiologist`.`type`='Audiologist' AND 
`Order`.`deliv_contact_id` = `DeliveryAudiologist`.`id`) LEFT JOIN 
`contacts` AS `Patient` ON (`Patient`.`type`='Patient' AND 
`Order`.`patient_id` = `Patient`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `repairorders` AS 
`Repairorder` ON (`Repairorder`.`order_id` = `Order`.`id` AND ( 
`Order`.`patient_id` = 594) OR ( `Order`.`disp_contact_id` = 594) OR ( 
`Order`.`deliv_contact_id` = 594)) LEFT JOIN `hearingaidorders` AS 
`Hearingaidorder` ON (`Hearingaidorder`.`order_id` = `Order`.`id` AND ( 
`Order`.`patient_id` = 594) OR ( `Order`.`disp_contact_id` = 594) OR ( 
`Order`.`deliv_contact_id` = 594)) WHERE (`Order`.`patient_id` = 594) OR 
(`Order`.`disp_contact_id` = 594) OR (`Order`.`deliv_contact_id` = 594)

If however I remove the additional conditions from the JOIN ON's and 
only keep them in the WHERE and run the query manually mysql does not 
choke.So I wonder :
a) why does paginate generate the conditions in every JOIN clause
b) Is there a way for me to remove them.
c) Should I set up the model better ( I haven't got a contact->orders 
relationship set up in my contact model if I wanted to what would it 
need to look like.)
d) should that belongsTo be a hasOne? would it make any difference

*/Jeremy Pointer/*

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