So I'm having a crack at using a component.

My component (nav.php) looks like this:
class NavComponent extends Object

var $menu = null;

    function doNav()
                $this->menu = "testing"; //just for testing purposes


In my app_controller.php I have:

class AppController extends Controller {

        var $uses = array('Node');

        var $components  = array('othAuth', 'nav'); // necessary, we need to
have the othauth component so it can do it's business logic
        var $helpers = array('Html', 'OthAuth', 'Tree'); // html is always
needed, othauth helper is not a must, but you can do some cool things
with it (see later on)
        var $othAuthRestrictions = array( 'add','edit','delete');  // these
are the global restrictions, they are very important. all the
permissions defined above are weighted against these restrictions to
calculate the total allow or deny for a specific request.

        function beforeFilter()
        $this->nav->doNav(); //call the component here

        $auth_conf = array(
                    'mode'  => 'oth',
                    'login_page'  => '/users/login',
                    'logout_page' => '/users/logout',
                    'access_page' => '/',
                    'hashkey'     => 'MySEcEeTHaSHKeYz',
                    'noaccess_page' => '/users/noaccess',
                    'strict_gid_check' => false);

        $this->othAuth->controller = &$this;

When I try to refer to the $menu variable in my layout (echo $menu;) I
get this error:
Notice: Undefined variable: menu in C:\wamp\www\cake\app\views\layouts
\default.thtml on line 19

Any ideas? Am I even heading in the right direction?

Thanks again.

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