This has nothing to do with cake and everything to do with php
for e.g. in any php file the following will work:
<?php echo "wateva" ?>
<?php echo "wateva else" ?>
but this won't
    echo "wateva"
    echo "wateva else"
The parser automatically assumes that if you close the <?php ... ?>  tag 
you meant to put a semicolon there.

Dustin Weber wrote:
> Tried searching for this, but it's a tough search to refine.
> Basically, I am simply trying to understand when/if we need semicolons
> in a view when using a helper.  In fact, I've noticed that I don't
> even need the semicolon when just 'echoing' a var in a view, so it
> isn't just related to helpers.
> It's something I had never much paid attention to (probably b/c it
> didn't throw any errors, so simply didn't notice).
> So, in simple terms:
> <? php echo $widget['widgetModel']['widgetType']; ?>
> ...seems to work the exact same as:
> <? php echo $widget['widgetModel']['widgetType'] ?>
> (notice the missing semicolon)
> And:
> <?php echo $html->input('Widget/searchBox', array('size' => '30')); ?>
> ...seems to work the exact same as:
> <?php echo $html->input('Widget/searchBox', array('size' => '30')) ?>
> So, I assume Cake is doing some error checking for us?  However, is
> this a feature (ie: should I assume I never have to type the
> semicolons again in the views), or should I still add them so that I
> am following the rules?
> The manual isn't clear on this in it's examples.  For instance, I
> pulled this code directly out of the helper section of the manual:
> -----------------------------
> ...
> <?php echo
> $html->textarea('Note/body', array('cols'=>'60', 'rows'=>'10'));
> ?>
> <?php echo $html->tagErrorMsg('Note/body',
> 'Please enter in a body for this note.') ?>
> ...
> -----------------------------
> (notice the semicolon inconsistency)
> Thanks for any help in advance!
> Dustin Weber
> >   

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