You need to use the appropriate properties for each object type. I
don't know them all off the top of my head, but $uses contains an
array of models required by a controller - there are similar
properties for the others to allow manual corrections etc. where the
inflections don't work as required.


On Apr 26, 10:54 pm, agonirena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I am building my first CakePHP application. I have no idea about how
> should I manage an entity like "runas".
> Following naming rules, I have created something like this:
> Database table: [run_as]
> Model file: [run_as.php], with a class named [RunAs]
> Controller file: [run_as_controller.php] with a class named
> [RunAsController]
> When I try to reach this controller, I get a "Missing Model, No class
> found for the RunA model" error.
> How should I correct this?
> Thanks in advance, AnderG

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