
I have created to controllers and they use two different tables each.
These two controllers are basically copies of each other.
I logged in and it goes to the first controller but when I go to
second controller it says im not logged in anymore.

Im using phpgacl:

[code]  var $gacl = array(
        'get' => array (
            'type' => 'callback',
            'value' => '_getUser'
        'denied' => array (
            'type' => 'redirect',
            'value' => '/users/login'


    var $name = 'Students'; // for PHP4 installs
    var $components = array
('Pagination','Mailer','PhpGacl','Session'); // Added
    //var $components = array ('Pagination','Mailer'); // Added

    var $helpers = array('Pagination'); // Added

      function _getUser()
        if ($this->Session->check('User'))
            return $this->Session->read('User');

        return false;
    } [/code]

I even tried $this->Session->check('User') on second controller but
still doesn't register that session
What could cause this to happen?

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