Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but I wrote a
short tutorial relating to drag & drops in Cake on my blog.  Cake
makes it extremely easy to build such an interface using
scriptaculous.  Obviously you'll have to change it around a bit to fit
your particular site.

You can read it here:

Hopefully that will get you started solving the problem... since no
one answered you previously.

Dustin Weber

On Apr 15, 3:29 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have absolutely no ajax skills (and little js knowledge) but I have
> to create something, something sounding very complicated to me, but
> some of you cake/ajax-wizzes will hopefully find this very easy :-)
> First of all I want to say I'ld like to use jquery (as I read so many
> good things about it) but if this is not possible or harder to do then
> with scriptaculous/prototype/whatever then i use that.
> I just need to achieve what I want, without wasting too much time, it
> doesn't matter that much to me what lib is used.  I just *need* to get
> this working, quickly and decently.
> So here it goes:
> order hasOne delivery
> delivery belongsTo order, route
> route hasMany delivery
> route belongsto driver
> driver hasmany route
> The interface I need should allow a person to create "routes" (pretty
> abstract) and assign a driver to each route, then he should be able to
> create new delivery objects for orders, and assign those delivery
> objects to routes.
> The way I thought I could do this is a page that lists each existing
> route as a column, with a "+" button that creates a new route (and
> hence, column).  Then each column would have a dropdown box where one
> could select the driver for that route.
> Then I thought, on the left of these columns would be another column,
> listing all orders.  Then the user should be able todragan order to
> a route-column, when this happens a delivery object should be created,
> and all the associations (between delivery and order, and between
> route and delivery) should be updated.
> Maybe I could make it easier by just getting rid of the "delivery"
> objects and directly linking between orders and routes.
> But I have no clue on how to achieve this with ajax, I hope you guys
> can help me out :-)
> Thanks,
> Dieter
> PS: it is important that the associations in the database are in sync
> with what is on screen.  when the user moves objects, the assocations
> must be updated in the database.  Likewise, when the user opens the
> page for the first time, the page should represent exactly the state
> of the objects like it is stored in the database

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