Thanks John for elaboration...

Thats sounds promising.... :)

What are the major differences between 1.1 and 1.2?
Is 1.2 in stable production status?
And finally where to find documentation for 1.2.... I also appreciate
if there are some technical docs available

Thanks and regards,

> We don't require PEAR. I don't know many who think PEAR is the
> bleeding edge of anything.
> We utilize modern software patterns and simple principles like DRY
> and convention over configuration (among others).
> I personally hate YAML, and Symfony is a huge configuration monster.
> CakePHP's datasource model for 1.2 is going to be teh sw33t. Think
> about joining data from any source. CSVFile hasAndBelongsToMany
> SocketConnection.
> We have our own ORM layer rather than using another one like Propel.
> Among other advantages, this allows CakePHP to innovate on its own.
> I personally hate Propel. If I have to maintain XML files, its out.
> Why do I have to tell my data layer what the schema looks like, when
> that data is already available from my DB engine?
> More as I think of them...
> :)
> -- John

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