I have $_SESSION['Config']['language'] set to my desired language but
i18n::translate doesn't even seem to have access to $_SESSION?. I've
done a pr($_SESSION) at line 114 of i18n.php and it returns blank. If
I do a pr($_SESSION) in a view it works fine. Any ideas?

On May 5, 6:08 am, CraZyLeGs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you probably mean $_SESSION['Config']['language']
> On May 4, 2:08 pm, misho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well Yes,
> > I do some checks on allowed languages, but I don't have a separate
> > controller to deal with this.
> > Just scan URL into function (in app_controller.php) and then redirect.
> > And thank you I do not know that Configure::write('Config.language',
> > 'en') and $_SESSION['Config.language'] are actually the same.
> > On May 4, 2:35 pm, jitka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > - if You will store selected language in session, route url '/language/
> > > *' to some controller->action and do 
> > > $this->Session->write('Config.language', $arg); in it (probably with 
> > > check if this
> > > lng is allowed) - then redirect to referer
> > > - if You will save Config.language in session, You don't have to use
> > > Configure class (session takes precedency)
> > > - /app/locale/<LANG>/LC_MESSAGES should be /app/locale/<LOCALE>/
> > > LC_MESSAGES - see L10n::$__l10nMap (locale != language)

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