On 5/9/07, Sliv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I used PhpGACL 3.3.7 installed into APP_DIR . /vendors/
> After extraction, I did have to make a symbolic link to the
> phpgacl-3.3.7 folder called 'phpgacl' because the plugin was looking
> for that folder.
> For the plugin:
> app_dir . /plugins/phpgacl/
> app_dir . /components/php_gacl.php
> WEBROOT . /css/phpgacl/
> WEBROOT . /img/phpgacl/
> a while back there was a post that talked about updating the
> webroot . /js/vendors.php to revision 4409
> ...I don't think I had to do anything else to get it working (other
> than that datasource fix)

I had one problem with it which I was able to fix pretty easily. I had an
old installation of Cheesecake in the plugins dir which had an
UsersController. My CakePHP app also has an UsersController so it clashed.
You'd have to be pretty unlucky to face this sort of issue but, I did :) I
think it is more Cheesecake's fault than anyone elses as you're not supposed
to use common names like UsersController as plugin controller names.


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