By the way, I left out the code for checking the ACL's, rendering
views, etc., so please assume that ACL checking and all that other
stuff is implied :P

On May 11, 9:26 am, Sliv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is my thought on how to use ACL when needing permissions for
> existing controller actions to be based on specific data elements:
> -Add more controller actions (i.e. index2, index3, etc.)
> -set ACL's on those
> -call the "main" controller action (index), passing it an argument
> -check for the argument in the "main" controller action and get
> specific data from the model
> Explanation:
> ARO, Controller->Action, Perms:
> Group1, Node->Index, All->Allow
> Group1, Node->Index2, All->Allow
> Group1, Node->Index3, All->Allow
> Group2, Node->Index, Add->Deny, Edit->Deny, View->Allow, Index->Allow
> Group2, Node->Index2, Add->Allow, Edit->Allow, View->Allow, Index->Allow
> Group2, Node->Index3, Add->Deny, Edit->Deny, View->Allow, Index->Allow
> Group3, Node->Index, Add->Deny, Edit->Deny, View->Allow, Index->Allow
> Group3, Node->Index2, Add->Deny, Edit->Deny, View->Allow, Index->Allow
> Group3, Node->Index3, Add->Allow, Edit->Allow, View->Allow, Index-
> >Allow
> Node Controller:
> function index($i = null) {
>      if(!empty($i)){
>           // index code
>      } else {
>              switch($i) {
>                     case 2:
>                               // ask model for data with conditions to
> return only records related to "Area 2"
>                               break;
>                     case 3:
>                               // ask model for data with conditions to
> return only records related to "Area 3"
>                               break;
>               }
>      }
> }
> function index2() {
>      $this->index(2);
> }
> function index3() {
>      $this->index(3);
> }
> ---------------
> Of course this means hard-coding conditions for the queries...but I
> don't see another way without modifying the database itself and
> attempting to set up some database-level permissions, or some other
> type of approach....
> I just wondered if anyone was working with the same type of
> requirements in one of their projects that might have a better
> approach, or some words of advice regarding the approach I've outlined
> here...

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