
I am trying to get the rss working with the help of the rss-helper of
1.2, but somehow cake doesn't spit out valid rss.

Here is the problem and what I've done:

- I have followed the instructions at 
- When I type <webroot>/<model>.rss as url in Firefox I get a firefox-
box with the question if I want to save the rss file, which indicates
that it is not valid rss (otherwise it displays the rss in Firefox
- If I open the saved file, I get the rss-feed inside the normal html-
code defined in <webroot>/app/views/layouts/default.tpl (I use Smarty
and Smarty uses the tpl extension). So this is problem #1, because it
should not show any html, and especially not the html of the default
- To see if the rss-itself works, I create a new layout-file (say
rss.tpl) inside the layout-folder with the code
"{$content_for_layout}" to get rid of the default-layout. Also, I put
the code  "$this->layout = 'rss';" in <model>_controller.php. Because
of these actions, the rss is loaded without the html-code. So the rss
should be displayed correctly. But... it doesn't. So that is problem

In the folder <model>/rss/index.tpl I have the template of the rss. It
should start with
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<rss version="2.0">

But this doesn't work. If I remove the xml-tag the rss does work
partly in Firefox (and only in Firefox), but with validation errors.

Hope someone can help me.
Thanks in advance!

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