What do I change to this to get "sname" in my while loop?

class Order extends AppModel {
   var $name = 'Order';

    var $belongsTo = array('Customer' =>
                         array('className'     => 'Customer',
                               'conditions'    => '',
                               'order'         => 'name ASC',
                               'limit'         => '',
                               'foreignKey'    => 'customer_id',
                               'dependent'     => true,
                               'exclusive'     => false,
                               'finderQuery'   => ''
                          'Supplier' =>
                         array('className'     => 'Supplier',
                               'conditions'    => '',
                               'order'         => 'sname ASC',
                               'limit'         => '',
                               'foreignKey'    => 'supplier_id',
                               'dependent'     => true,
                               'exclusive'     => false,
                               'finderQuery'   => ''



 function index() {

        list($order,$limit,$page) = $this->Pagination-
>init($criteria); // Added
        $data = $this->Order->findAll($criteria, NULL, $order, $limit,
$page); // Extra parameters added

$pagination->setPaging($paging); // Initialize the pagination
$th = array (
            $pagination->sortBy(' ')
); // Generate the pagination sort links
echo $html->tableHeaders($th); // Create the table headers with sort
links if desired

foreach ($data as $output)
    $tr = array (

        $html->link($output['Order']['ordernum'], "/Orders/Edit/
        $html->link("Delete", "/Orders/Delete/{$output['Order']
['id']}",null,'Are you sure?')

    echo $html-

I tried playing around with findall but Im not sure how to print it by
output and orderby?


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