It also depends on how many people are working on your application.
If, say, you have an admin programmer who only works on the admin
section of your app, and a public side programmer who sticks to the
non-admin areas, the project would be rather difficult to manage if
were to go about the admin_* route.  You would constantly have more
than one person modifying a file at a time, which becomes a complete
hassle when using svn or some other versioning system.

So, as far as I know, your other options are to go with a plugin, or a
completely separate app.  I am not sure about the overhead with
I am really new to Cake still, so I need to do some more research on
I am about to jump into the same situation you are, and I would like
use plugins, it just seems more logical from first look.

...and there's my 2 cents.

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