
can someone give me a clue on how to deal with this..I am still not
able to solve the problem


On May 27, 12:10 am, bingo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> I am trying to send an attachment using CakePHP 1.2 native Email
> Component. I am correctly setting filePath and filename variable.
> However, my emails are being sent without any attachment. The email
> gets successfully sent but without any attachment.
> is anyone facing similar problem? Please let me know is there a bug or
> I am making some mistake. Below is my code that I am using to send
> emails
> $this->Email->replyTo = "{$replyTo}";
> $this->Email->to = trim($this->data['Report']['to']);
> $this->Email->from = "localhost";
> $this->Email->sendAs = "html";
> $this->Email->template = "report";
> $this->Email->subject = $subject;
> if($fileState){
>         $this->Email->filePaths = array(TMP.'emails');
>         $this->Email->attachments = array($filename);
>         $this->Email->send("{$username} would like to review a file");}
> else{
>         $this->Email->send($body);
> }- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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