Just to bring my contribution, the solution you found can be an
"endless" solution. If in few weeks your number of record increases by
300%, you would have to increase the memory limit again (which is not
unlimited). Maybe you could keep your export by looping (using page
and limit as AD7six mentionned), but also creating your CSV inside the

On May 31, 2:43 pm, "Gonzalo Servat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/31/07, StinkyTofu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am calling $this->Member->findAll(null, 'Member.id') on a database
> > of 8000 records and am receiving the following error:
> > Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 782
> > bytes) in /home/web88/html/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php
> > on line 312
> > I assume this error is happening because the server is loading too
> > many records into the array.  The issue here is that I need to take
> > all the member records and insert them into a .csv file, so I cannot
> > use the SQL 'LIMIT' function as that will mean that only a portion of
> > the records will be imported into the csv.
> The replies you've received are all valid (specially the one from AD7Six
> about using a limit and looping until there are no more records) but the way
> I solved it, which is probably not the nicest way, is to increase the PHP
> memory_limit for the action that has to do the CSV export like so:
> In your controller:
> function admin_export()
> {
>         ini_set( "memory_limit","32M" );
>         set_time_limit(120);
>         $records = $this->Member->findAll(null, 'Member.id');
>         // etc...
> }
> Since the CSV exporting feature wouldn't be used that often (in my case),
> it's not that bad a solution. Keep in mind I have about 1500 records which
> don't tend to increase all that often, and you have 8000, so AD7six's
> solution is probably a better fit. See how you go.
> Regards,
> Gonzalo.

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