Here are the notes I have collected so far on using i18n in 1.2...

Internationalization (i18n)

    * at top of controller: uses('L10n');
    * create /app/locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES/default.po (French is fre/
    * create entries in default.po as such:

msgid  "close_window"
msgstr "Close"

msgid  "where_pin"
msgstr "Where is my PIN?"

    * call translations in view: <?__("close_window")?> )
("close_window" is msgid from default.po)
          o this is going to echo out the msgstr for the given msgid,
else it wil display the msgid given
          o use __("button_submit", true) to return the value as
opposed to echoing it
    * you can specify different languages as such:

$this->L10n = new L10n();

On May 30, 2:53 am, oleonav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> For an upcomming project, a mutilangual site, I need the ability to
> store different versions of the same content in a database. I've been
> evaluating both Cake & Symfony as basis for this site.
> Although I do like Cake for it's low footprint and simplicity to make
> things work I need something like the the translation feaute build in
> Symfony for i18n content. I've noticed that i18n is a feature of the
> upcoming 1.2 release of Cake.
> Questions?
> 1. Does anyone has a working solutions or documentation on how to
> implement i18n in the new 1.2. version.
> 2. What will be the appro. relase date of Cake 1.2
> Thanks

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