First try writing a small php script:

create temp.php in your 'DocumentRoot' Directory of your server (check
httpd.conf for this path).

Save following code to temp.php:
if (isset($_SESSION['hello'])){
    echo "Session Variable Hello is ".$_SESSION['hello'];
$_SESSION['hello'] = 'LEMUNE';

Visit http://localhost/temp.php  two times. For 1st time, it will be
all blank. For 2nd time, if you see the printout- Session Variable..
then your session is working OK and then start debugging with CakePHP.
If you don't see the printout on 2nd visit, then there is a problem
with your sessions in php.ini file. Fix this and your problem will be

I had similar problem and after 2 days of rigirous debugging found
that the problem was with php.ini configuration file. So make sure
above code works then try debugging in CakePHP. Also, I recommend you
update your core.php in App/Config so that it uses 'database' for
saving sessions.

Ketan :-)

Lemune wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm just begin using the cakephp.
> I'm trying to store 3 variable in session, but only  the first one
> that can be read.
> This is my code:
> function log_in()
>       {
>               $this->set('error',false);
>               if($this->data)
>               {
> $results=$this->Login->findByUsername($this->data['Login']
> ['username']);
>                       if($results && $results['Login']['password'] == 
> md5($this-
> >data['Login']['password']))
>                       {
> $this->Session->write('user',$this->data['Login']['username']);
> $this->Session->write('usertype',$this->data['Login']
> ['login_type_id']);
> $this->Session->write('user_id',$this->data['Login']['user_id']);
>                               $level=$this->Session->read('usertype');
>                               if($level==1)
>                               {
> $this->redirect('/administrators/index');
>                                       exit();
>                               }
>                               elseif ($level==2)
>                               {
>                                       $this->redirect('/sales_records/index');
>                                       exit();
>                               }
>                               else
>                               {
> $this->redirect('/company_records/index');
>                                       exit();
>                               }
>                       } else {
>                               $this->set('error',true);
>                       }
>               }
>       }
> If i read the $user variable it give me the correct answer, but if i
> read the 2 and 3 variable ($usertype & $user_id) it didn't work. So my
> program didn't redirect.
> What's wrong?
> I also try to change my code :
> $level=$results['Login']['login_type_id'];
> and then i try to echo the session variable in the redirected view, it
> just give me the first one.
> this is the controller code on redirected
> function index()
>       {
>               //$username=
>               //$level=$this->Session->read('usertype');
>               $this->set('level',$this->Session->read('user'));
>               $this->set('User_Type',$this->Session->read('usertype'));
>                 $this->set('User_Id',$this->Session->read('user_id'));
>       }
> this is the code on index.thtml
> <p>welcome
> <?php
> echo 'how do you do.';
> e($level); //for username
> e($User_Type); //for usertype
> e($User_Id); //for user id
> ?></p>
> <br>
> <?php echo $html->link('logout','/login/logout') ?>
> and the result is:
> CakePHP Rapid Development
> welcome how do you do.lemune
> logout

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