Just to push the other side of the argument a bit, there are some
benefits to the Cake approach that haven´t been mentioned...

Ideally a view should standalone completely, i.e is uncoupled form any
other part of the system, and have no dependencies: that makes it a
lot easier to reuse views in other parts of the system, or other
projects, etc.
However once you start accessing specific models and their methods in
views then they´re a lot less flexible, and you almost might as well
do your output direct in a controller (extreme example, but you see
what I mean)!

Just playing Devil´s advocate...

On Jun 6, 9:52 pm, MrTufty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To weigh in on this one, presumably this limitation will go away once
> Cake starts returning objects instead of arrays, which (last I
> checked) was still slated for 2.0? From my point of view it's not a
> big deal, it's a nice-to-have rather than a must-have.
> Chris is definitely correct - if you can't do it the way you want to,
> you're probably pushing against the framework rather than working with
> it.
> On Jun 6, 2:27 pm, "Chris Hartjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 6/6/07, unimatrixZxero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > He only wants to CALL the methods from the view, which is perfectly
> > > fine. This does not contradict MVC in any way. In Ruby on Rails you
> > > can do this. The reason this doesn't work in Cake PHP is simply one of
> > > it's shortcomings. The ActiveRecord pattern is not done
> > > 'correctly' (i.e. not all aspects are implemented). A row should
> > > correspond to an object. 
> > > (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_record_pattern
> > CakePHP has a set of rules, and one of those rules is "thou shalt not
> > call models from your views".  Yes, that sucks when you want to do it.
> >  I'm sure Craig is smart enough to figure it out using CakePHP's
> > rules.  I've often found that when you can't do something a certain
> > way in any given application framework, chances are you are probably
> > taking the wrong approach.  Be flexible. :)
> > --
> > Chris Hartjes
> > My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"
> > @TheBallpark -http://www.littlehart.net/attheballpark
> > @TheKeyboard -http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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