If you could paste your 'function edit()'  from your controller, this
would help us pointing the problem. Most probably, it looks like you
do not have an argument id in the edit function call, but can't be
sure unless I see the code.

Another question is did you 'bake' your controller or you coded up
your self?

Ketan :-)

jomer wrote:
> Hi, I've been having a trouble with data validation. My page consists
> on three pages: /contacts/new, /contacts/edit, /contacts/delete. In
> "new" module I have:
>             if ($this->Contact->save($this->data))
>                 $this->flash('Contact saved','/contacts/');
>           else{
>                   $this->set('errorMessage', 'An error was found.');
>                   $this->render();
>            }
> That works fine, the problem comes when I need to use params, for
> example in edit page, obviusly I need the contact's id to edit but
> when I call $this->render() it loads /contacts/edit instead of /
> contacts/edit/3 (supposing 3 is the id I'm editing).
> Do you know how to solve that??
> Thanks
> Adrián Fernández

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