Hi All,

I am starting to use cake 1.2 for a project. I want to do things in
the "cake" way and on the simple tests db I wanted to retrieve the
street name by soundex as well as checking the soundex of the reverse

My query look like this :

    // this is needed to reverse the utf-8 string (I am dealing  with
greek right now)

     $z = $this->data['Work']['street'];
     preg_match_all('/./us', $z, $ar);
     $x = join('',array_reverse($ar[0]));

     $this->data = $this->Test->findAll(array('SOUNDEX( Test.street )'
=> "-!SOUNDEX('{$this->data['Work']['street']}')",
'SOUNDEX( REVERSE( Test.street) )' => "-!SOUNDEX('{$x}')"));

It seems there is a problem into the formatting of the query, because
of the 2 functions "SOUNDEX( REVERSE( ". The formatted query gives
this :

Query: SELECT `Test`.`id`, `Test`.`street`, `Test`.`rstreet` FROM
`tests` AS `Test` WHERE SOUNDEX(` Test`.`street `) =

There is a slight problem around the content of REVERSE, a quote is
dropped after the parentheses and missing before.
I solved my problem by wiriting the query string itself, but this
problem occurs every time you combine SQL functions.

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