Jeremy David Pointer wrote:
> I'm not sure I'm getting to where your problem actually is because you 
> haven't told us what is or is not happening.
> But.......
> 0. I'm using Cake 1.2 so some things might be different
> 1. I don't see why you would want to redraw the tree, when I do this I 
> set up a div below the tree that's a simple 'Updated' view rendered into 
> it after the save completes. i.e. don't update the div with the tree in 
> it but rather another div to indicate whether the save was successful or 
> not.
> 1a. If you really want to redraw the tree the place to do it would be in 
> the 'save' view (which you haven't included)
> 2. I see the ajax is supposed to submit with an interval which could 
> work but you seem to be missing a 'before' option in the $ajax->submit  
> that would call your saveMyTree_byForm(), it's just my preference but I 
> tend to use a combination of onkeypress/onmouseout of the tree div to 
> update the hidden field and only submit the form when a save button is 
> pressed since the save button is outside the div the hidden field will 
> be updated before the button is clicked, the onkeypress is in case the 
> keyboard is used to submit i.e. the enter key. In this way I'm not 
> unecessarily repeatedly posting to the server.
> So in the view:
> <div ...... 
> onmouseout="document.getElementById('ModuleSavestring').value=treeObj<?=$uniq;?>.getSaveString();"
> onkeypress=(same as above)..... >The tree</div>
> <div id="updateTree"></div>
> <input type="hidden" value="" id="ModuleSavestring" 
> name="data[Savestring]" />
> <?php echo $ajax->submit('Save 
> Tree',array("update"=>"updateTree".$uniq,"url"=>"updateTree")); ?>
oops just ignore the .$uniq above the rest of the form that I'm took 
this from is complex with the possibility of multiple div's have the 
same name in a dhtml tabbed layout so nearly all my divs have .$uniq to 
uniquely identify them.
> 3. Maybe I'm being dof (Afrikaans word for dim) but in my controller 
> side save method I parse the variable containing the hidden field and 
> save the items one by one ala
> (this example only works to two levels of the menu):
> 4. For interest sake my initial menu is populated by 
> model->findAllThreaded()
> function updateTree() {
>         if (!empty($this->data)) {
>             $nodes=split(',',$this->data['Savestring']);
>             $vals=array();
>             foreach($nodes as $val) {
>                 $vals[]=split('-',$val);
>             }
>             $modids=$this->data['Module'];
>             $modids[0]=0;
>             $modules=array();
>             foreach($vals as $order=>$record) {
>                 $modules[$order]['Module']['id']=$modids[$record[0]];
>                 $modules[$order]['Module']['parent_id']=$modids[$record[1]];
>                 $modules[$order]['Module']['order']=$order;
>             }
>             $this->data['Module']=$modules;
>             foreach($modules as $module) $this->Module->save($module);
>             $this->render('updatetree');
>         }
>     }
> Jeremy
> noso wrote:
>> Hi everybody!
>> I have a problem with posting a form.
>> I use the tree Ajax component of DhtmlGoodies (http://
>> and I want to save it's structureString to the database. The problem
>> is that it uses a javascript code to fill the hidden field in the
>> form.
>> ================================================================
>> <!-- edit.thtml -->
>> ================================================================
>> <div id="menuTree_edit">
>> <ul id="menuTreeContainer" class="DHTMLSuite_tree">
>>      <li id="node_10000" noDrag="true"><a href="#">MenuBar</a>
>>      <ul>
>>            #### TREE STRUCTURE ####
>>         </ul>
>>         </li>
>> </ul>
>> </div>
>> <?= $ajax->form(array('action'=>$html->url('save')));?>
>> <?= $html->hidden('menu_builder/saveString', array('id' =>
>> 'saveString', 'value' => 'none', 'size' => '40')) ?>
>> <?= $ajax->submit('save tree',array('url'=>'save',
>> 'update'=>'menuTree_edit', 'frequency'=>'2')); ?>
>> function saveMyTree_byForm()
>> {
>>        document.myForm.elements['saveString'].value =
>> treeObj.getSaveString();
>>        document.myForm.submit();
>> }
>> ================================================================
>> ok then I have my controllerclass
>> ================================================================
>> <!-- menu_builder_controller.php -->
>> ================================================================
>> class MenuBuilderController extends AppController {
>>      var $name = 'MenuBuilder';
>>      var $helpers = array('Html', 'Javascript', 'Ajax');
>>      //var $components = array('RequestHandler');
>>      var $myMenuItems = array();
>>      var $TreeData=array();
>>      function index()
>>      {
>>              $this->myMenuItems = $this->MenuBuilder->findAll();
>>              $this->set('menubuilder', $this->myMenuItems);
>>         if(isset($this->params['requested'])) {
>>              return $this->myMenuItems;
>>         }
>>      }
>>      function edit(){
>>              $this->myMenuItems = $this->MenuBuilder->findAll();
>>              $this->set('menubuilder', $this->myMenuItems);
>>      }
>>      function save(){
>>              $success = true;
>>              $succesMessage = 'Menu update successfully';
>>              if (empty($this->data)){
>>                              $success = false;
>>                              $errorMessage = "Error in menu updating - no 
>> data";
>>              }else{
>>                             ### some building code ##
>>                            $this->MenuBuilder-
>>> save(array('MenuBuilder' => $this->params['data']['item']
>> ['MenuBuilder']));
>>              }
>>              $this->render('save', 'ajax');
>>      }
>> ================================================================
>> Can somebody tell me how I post my form with the saveString with Ajax
>> and refresh the result in the edit.thtml menuTree_edit-div. So if I
>> click save the data is saved and my tree-view updates in the right
>> region of the screen.
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Greetings to you all!
> >   

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