To be precise:

> If you set the othAuth settings properly you'd get redirected to /
> admin/users/login if you try to access a page that needs specific
> permissions.

You'd be redirected to admin/users/login if you haven't been logged-in
and the action requires specific permissions

> This way, if someone tries: is not
> currently identified as a user with the corresponding permissions they
> would be redirected to /admin/users/login per-othAuth settings.

As in the previous paragraph, if the user has not logged-in and the
action requires specific permissions they'd get redirected to admin/
If the user is logged-in but is lacking the necessary permissions
they'd be redirected to the page that is specified in he 'noaccess'

Sorry for my poor explanation, it was meant for guidelines only. You
should definitely read through the wonderful othAuth documentation.
It's all in there :)


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