Hi All,

I've been asking around on the IRC from time to time about how exactly to
upgrade an app from the 1.1.x.x framework to the 1.2.x.x version. I 've
tried a few time but felt uneasy about a couple of things and haven't been
able to get any definite answers which could fully ease the feelings.
The problem is that, on inspection of the default 'app' directory in
the 1.2branch it can be seen that there are files and directories
there which
aren't present in the 1.1 branch. This doesn't pose huge difficulty alone,
but there are also some files in the 1.1 branch (app directory) which are
NOT present in the 1.2 version.
Attempts at manually adding and deleting the relevant files can get a little
bit confusing at times and so after checking and double checking you can end
up in a bit of a confusing mess. Although the application may seem to work
and pass all the relevant unit tests, there can still be the annoying
feeling in your mind that you may have done something wrong.
Currently I only have my 'app' directory under version control so I wanted
to try to preserve the file histories during the upgrade.
Therefore I haven't committed any of my upgrade attempts to SVN as of yet
for fear of something going wrong somewhere down the line when I've
forgotten what I've moved where.
I was thinking that perhaps someone knew of some sort of SVN trickery which
could be used to give an indication of the exact changes required. Something
like running 'svn ls' on the 1.1 app directory, doing the same on the
1.2version and piping the results into a 'diff' to give the layout
Can any of you SVN wizards out there think of a way to do such a thing?
If not, has anyone documented the correct upgrade path?

If no to both of these I am happy to document my next attempt myself and
post it here. I was just wondering if anyone in the same boat already had a
readily available answer.

Cheers to all,


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