Thanks Geoff - yes it does, but still struggling to get it to save the data.

The query generated is: INSERT INTO `users` (`created`,`modified`) VALUES 
('2007-06-28 18:33:46','2007-06-28 18:33:46')

                                $people = $this->__convert_csv($uploadfile);
                                foreach( $people as $person) {
                                        foreach( $person as 
$dataKey=>$dataItem) {
$this->details['User'][$dataKey]= $dataItem;
                                        } // end foreach
                                echo '<pre style="text-align:left">';
                                print_r($this->details);echo "<br />";
                                echo "</pre>";
                                        if($this->User->save()) {
User has been saved');
                                        } else {
$this->Session->setFlash('Please correct errors below.');

the $this->details contains:

    [User] => Array
            [student_id] => 1234567890
            [staff_id] => 
            [role_id] => 1
            [given_names] => John
            [last_name] => Doe
            [preferred_name] => John
            [username] => DoeJ
            [passwd] => gfdgJF8
            [passwd_encrypted] => f7fd264e428a7f56edc94b6b71cbc5b5
            [locked_out] => 0
            [attempts] => 0
            [campus_id] => 1
            [current_year] => 2007
            [current_semester] => 1
            [directory] => 

This successflly inserts a blank row for each row of the data int eh file...

if I put
                                        if($this->User->save($this->details)) {

the result is an 'please correct the errors below'.


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