Wow, I'm totally stumped now. It could be that I just don't grasp the
full extent of the MVC model (which I should be able to do, as I
manage to create and actually make projects in Java just fine....?),
or the way CakePHP wants me to arrange and create models, views and
controllers. At first glance, the blog tutorial was very simple to
follow and (of course), everything worked just splendid.
But adding more stuff to it is a bit... well, not tricky anymore...
it's more daunting.

So, what am I trying to accomplish? Well, a simple guestbook with some
extras to it. The guestbook works like the blog, but with the
additions of bbCode-parsing (that works perfect atm, with the help of
a link handed to me of a Helper for just that), avatar-handling (which
also works perfect, with a little reading and doodling with relations
in the Models/Controllers) and last, smiley-handling. The last part
just won't work. Doesn't matter what tip, trick or hint I try and add
to it, I either get errors about Helpers not being found, parse errors
that I can't create and instance of a specific class, errors about
objects not being available and other obscure things. I know that it's
not anything to do with Cake. It's to do with me. I'm not going to
give this up, because I know the potential of what I'm trying to learn
here, but I need some guidelines. I thought a tip or a pointer would
make me understand what where I was at fault, but I can see now I need
a bit more insight.

So, for those of you interested in what I've tried to create, here it
is, in shortform;
* A guestbook based on the Blog Tutorial. The main differences being
bbCode, Avatars and Smileys.

What does it consist of?
[ Database ]
* guestbooks (everything related to the actual post, along with
avatar_id for relations sake)
* avatars (containing avatars of different types, related to the
guestbooks table, through the guestbook model)
* smileys (containing smileys of different types, not related to any
other table)

[ Models ]
* guestbook (contains the same as the blog tutorial model, addition;
$belongsTo = Avatar for relation)
* avatar (contains just the $name along with a $hasMany = Guestbook
for relation)
* smiley (contains just the $name variable)

[ Controllers ]
* guestbook_controller (contains the same as the blog tutorial, along
with a html helper called 'Bbcode'. I try adding a smiley object to
the add() function (which corresponds to the add view) but I can't get
it to work)

[ Views ]
* index (Works like a charm. Bbcode is parsed and works splendid)
* add (Creates new posts just like it should, adding the info to the
* edit (Edits posts just as it should)
* delete (Removes posts just as it should)

So, where am I missing out on things? I've read the replies and tried
to implement them and reading them through to see where I was missing
out on something crucial, but I just can't for the life of me get it
to work. It might be that both replies works as they are expected to,
but I just don't have the knowledge yet to understand them, I guess.

Am I going totally in the wrong direction about thinking that the
Model provides data to the Controller which in turn provides data to
the View? Why is it, that I can't make/store a Smiley-model in the
guestbook-controller, which in turn provides data to the View?

I've tried to make some kind of reasoning with Components and Helpers
too and I think I've understood them as being extensions to the
original Controllers and Views but I've yet to understand when I
should use them and when I should insert everything in the View itself
or the Controller.

I know this is getting a bit lenghty, but I really, really, really
want to learn how to do this.

Thank you all for your help so far. Too bad I'm not yet getting the
hang of it.


On Jul 10, 12:29 am, Geoff Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >From what I can see you will need a helper that has access to the
> smiley model.
> You can do so with:
> loadModel('smiley');
> class SmileyHelper extends Helper{
>   var $Smiley = new Smiley();
> }
> And then you can use it like $this->Smiley->find('ascii_code'=>';)');
> Creating the regex find and replace is up to you.
> Geoff
> --
> On Jul 10, 6:18 am, DrLaban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello there!
> > I'm at the moment trying to figure out how to fit a new model into the
> > existing controller. As I mentioned earlier I did manage to create a
> > relation between Avatars and Guestbooks, since it had the elements
> > required to create such a relation in Cake's framework.
> > Now, thetrickything I have yet to grasp (I'm reading the replies
> > here while I trial and error a bit), is how to make the combine of the
> > guestbook controller or its views to be able to get to the information
> > stored in the model.
> > I'm of the impression that I can't get to the data information stored
> > in the model without shipping it into a controller first.
> > I need to combine the Smileys information with the rest of the
> > guestbook in order to translate an ASCII ":)" into an img-tag.
> > I have an ERD that you can look at and as you can see there is no
> > database relation between the Guestbooks and Smileys, but there will
> > be a relation in the application (where the message text from the
> > Guestbooks table will be parsed to replace ASCII smileys into img-
> > tags).
> > I'm sorry if I'm a bit slow in the understanding here, but programming
> > like this in PHP is totally new for me. But I appreciate you taking
> > your time to try and help me out!
> > Regards
> >  DrLaban
> > On Jul 7, 1:28 am, Grant Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > If you don't want to hard code them in your helper, then you will need
> > > another database table for your smileys.  And a model.
> > > Now you can get/set the database data just like any other model,
> > > through $this->Smiley->find() and $this->Smiley->save().  To get a
> > > list you might want to use $this->Smiley->generateList().
> > > Now, how does Smiley relate to other models?  I would have guessed
> > > that the HTML code for a smiley is to be added to a textarea (ie in
> > > your GuestBook post?) but after this point there is no dynamic
> > > relationship.  In which case there are no associations.  Or perhaps a
> > > single Smiley has to be chosen for the Guestbook post icon - in which
> > > case you want a GuestBook belongsTo Smiley association (with
> > > GuestBook.smiley_id).

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