
$belongsTo = array('Zdjecia' =>                  array('className' =>
'foreignKey' => 'zdjecie_id'

of course

On 15    , 13:15, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You need to change hasOne association in Produkt to belongsTo one.
> class Produkt extends AppModel
>  {
>         var $name = 'Produkt';
>         var $belongsTo = array('Zdjecia' =>                  
> array('className' =>
> 'Zdjecie',
>         'foreignKey' => 'zd_id'
> ))
> Don't forget to set $primaryKey='zd_id' in Zdjecie model.
> Product belongs to Photo... Hmmm :) but it should work.
> rennis:
> > Hello,
> > I am a newbie to Cake.  I am developing my first app.
> > Sorry for my badly english.
> > I have problem with config my Model. I don't now why / 'foreignKey' =>
> > 'zdjecie_id' / not working.
> > Zdjecie =  ang. Photo
> > Produkt = ang. Product
> > I want keep some photos in my table /Zdjecia/. This photos maybe use
> > into another association.
> > For example:
> > Photo PHOTO1 is use for Products PRODUCT_1, PRODUCT_2 and Categorie
> > class Zdjecie extends AppModel
> > {
> >    var $name = 'Zdjecie';
> >    var $hasMany = array('Produkty' =>
> >                                                    array('className' => 
> > 'Produkt',
> >                                                            'conditions' => 
> > '',
> >                                                            'order' => '',
> >                                                            'dependent' => 
> > true,
> >                                                            'foreignKey' => 
> > 'zdjecie_id'
> >                                                            )
> >                                            );
> > }
> > class Produkt extends AppModel
> > {
> >    var $name = 'Produkt';
> >    var $hasOne = array('Zdjecia' =>
> >                                                    array('className' => 
> > 'Zdjecie',
> >                                                            'conditions' => 
> > '',
> >                                                            'order' => '',
> >                                                            'dependent' => 
> > true,
> >                                                            'foreignKey' => 
> > 'zd_id'
> >                                                            )
> > }
> > CREATE TABLE `produkty` (
> >   `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> >   `kategorie_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
> >   `products_name` varchar(12)  NOT NULL,
> >   `products_date_added` datetime NOT NULL,
> >   `products_last_modified` datetime default NULL,
> >   `zdjecie_id` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
> >   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
> > CREATE TABLE `zdjecia` (
> >   `zd_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
> >   `file_title` varchar(50) NULL,
> >   `file_type` char(4) NOT NULL,
> >   `file_name` varchar(20)  NOT NULL,
> >   PRIMARY KEY  (`zd_id`)
> > --- cut debug SQL ---
> > SELECT `Produkt`.`id`, `Produkt`.`kategorie_id`,
> > `Produkt`.`products_name`, `Produkt`.`products_date_added`,
> > `Produkt`.`products_last_modified`, `Produkt`.`zdjecie_id`,
> > `Zdjecia`.`zd_id`, `Zdjecia`.`file_title`, `Zdjecia`.`file_type`,
> > `Zdjecia`.`file_name` FROM `produkty` AS `Produkt` LEFT JOIN `zdjecia`
> > AS `Zdjecia` ON (`Zdjecia`.`zd_id` = `Produkt`.`id`) WHERE
> > kategorie_id = 4
> > --- end cut ---
> > I need change / ON (`Zdjecia`.`zd_id` = `Produkt`.`id`) / on to / ON
> > (`Zdjecia`.`zd_id` = `Produkt`.`zdjecie_id`) /
> > Could you give mi some advice?

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