Heres the problem. I am filling in forms and saving them to a session.
These forms are repeats of themselves so basically in the session a
array of how ever many forms the user made is saved to the session.
Simple terms a session gets saved as a array of a forms data eg:
array(box1,box2,box3.....). Now the problem I am having is that if I
try save these forms to a table (exact fields) using a foreach loop
only the last "box" is recorded. It seems to me that the $this->Table-
>save() method is just replacing the old data with the new data
instead of incrementing the id (primary key) so the pointer isnt
moving onto the next record. Is there a way to force this behaviour?

$templatedata = $this->Session->read('templatedata'); //This is the
array of box's
foreach($templatedata as $temp) {
        if(!empty($temp)) { //incase user skipped that box
                $this->Box->save($temp); //Writes over old data and pointer 

example of output
Array //if a pr($temp) was in the if statement
    [sender_id] => 8
    [index_id] => 2
    [amt_fields] => 2
    [box_name] => j
    [bg_colour] => j
    [hasborder] => No
    [border_colour] => j
    [font_colour] => j
    [font_style] => j
    [field0] => j
    [field1] => j

Array //if a pr($temp) was in the if statement
    [sender_id] => 8
    [index_id] => 4
    [amt_fields] => 1
    [box_name] => 5
    [bg_colour] => 5
    [hasborder] => Yes
    [border_colour] => 5
    [font_colour] => 5
    [font_style] => 5
    [field0] => 5

Array //if a pr($this->Box->findAll()); was at end of function
    [0] => Array
            [box] => Array
                    [id] => 1
                    [sender_id] => 8
                    [index_id] => 4
                    [amt_fields] => 1
                    [box_name] => 5
                    [logo] =>
                    [field0] => 5
                    [field1] => j //not ment to be here left over from
first record
                    [field2] =>
                    [field3] =>
                    [field4] =>
                    [field5] =>
                    [field6] =>
                    [field7] =>
                    [field8] =>
                    [field9] =>
                    [bg_colour] => 5
                    [font_colour] => 5
                    [font_style] => 5
                    [hasborder] => Yes
                    [border_colour] => 5


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