
On Jul 25, 5:37 pm, apadzik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi! I'm a beginner in Cake and can't understand one thing, maybe you
> more experienced people will know the solution:-)
> So, I have two tables in db: products (id,name) and productsizes
> (id,product_id,size);
> Two models: Product, Productsize;
> product.php:
> class Product extends AppModel
> {
>         var $name = 'Product';
>         var $hasMany = array('Productsize' => array(
>                 'className'=>'Productsize',
>                 'foreignKey'=>'product_id')
>         );
> }
> productsize.php:
> class Productsize extends AppModel
> {
>         var $name = 'Productsize';
>         var $belongsTo = 'Product';
> }
> And products_controller looks like:
> class ProductsController extends AppController
> {
>         var $name = 'Products';
>         var $uses = array('Product','Category','Productsize');
>         var $layout = 'default';
>         function display($c_name) {
>                 $this->set('category_name',$c_name);                        
> //this
> is just
>                 $c_id=$this->Category->find('name=\''.$c_name.'\'','id');  
> //for
> retrivieng category
> $this->set('products',$this->Product->findAllByCategoryId($c_id['Category']['id']));
>    //here i get all
> data about products
>                 $this->pageTitle = $c_name;
>         }
> }
> And my question is: how do I retrieve data from productsizes? In
> action "display" I want to show all products from one category and I
> need to display the possible sizes for each one. How to do that in one
> action?
> Controller: products_controller

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