okay quite new to Cakephp so forgive if i make any obvious mistakes,
but i can't seem to get FormWizard work for me...

I'm trying to make a simple test form with 3 different input screen,
just to grasp the idea of the FormWizard. In every output I print the
$this->data array to see what data is saved in the Session. Is this
Anyway I have the following code:

[b]Polls Controller:[/b]
class PollsController extends AppController {

        var $name = 'Polls';
        var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form' );
        var $components = array('FormWizard');

        function start() {
                $ways=array("way1" => array("scrn1","scrn2","scrn3"),
                                "way2" => array("scrn3","scrn2","scrn1"));

        function scrn1() {
                $this->set('polltxt', 'screen1');

        function scrn1Validate() {
                $this->set('polltxt' , 'screen1validate');
                return true;

        function scrn2() {
                $this->set('polltxt', 'screen2');

        function scrn2Validate() {
                $this->set('polltxt' , 'screen2validate');
                return true;

        function scrn3() {
                $this->set('polltxt', 'screen3');

        function scrn3Validate() {
                $this->set('polltxt' , 'screen3validate');
                return true;



<h2><?php  echo $polltxt;?></h2>

       echo print_r($this->data);
       echo $form->create('Poll', array('action'=>'/polls/start',
       echo $form->input('Poll.title');
       echo $form->submit('Previous Step',array('name'=>'previous'));
       echo $form->submit('Next Step',array('name'=>'next'));

<h2><?php  echo $polltxt;?></h2>

       echo print_r($this->data);
       echo $form->create('Poll', array('action'=>'/polls/start',
       echo $form->input('Poll.type');
       echo $form->submit('Previous Step',array('name'=>'previous'));
       echo $form->submit('Next Step',array('name'=>'next'));

<h2><?php  echo $polltxt;?></h2>

       echo print_r($this->data);
       echo $form->create('Poll', array('action'=>'/polls/start',
       echo $form->input('Poll.introtext');
       echo $form->submit('Previous Step',array('name'=>'previous'));
       echo $form->submit('Next Step',array('name'=>'next'));

Also accompanying database tables and models have been created.

But when i move around the screens using the Next and Previous
buttons, i get problem similar as descibed in this post:
: $this->data is emptied seemingly randomly, data doesn't get Saved in
the Sessions...?.

My question:

1) Can anyone direct my to a good working example on how Formwizard
can be used, kinda of a FormWizard Tutorial for simple people like me
2) If not, what am i doing wrong here ?

thank you for your attention,


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