Why ? It is just a BelongsTo association, Cake joins this on other

On 26 juil, 20:27, majna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  cake cant join this. try with raw query.
> On Jul 26, 7:14 pm, Saymons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for your answer, but that's not my problem, I need $this->Asset-
> > >recursive = 2; else, I won't get all the data I need about the Asset.
> > I don't understand why when my model gets the Composer, it does :
> > > > SELECT ... FROM tbl_composer WHERE component_id=12 -> gives me every
> > > > composite_id (let's say 15,17 and 21)
> > > > SELECT ... FROM tbl_asset WHERE id=15
> > > > SELECT ... FROM tbl_asset WHERE id=17
> > > > SELECT ... FROM tbl_asset WHERE id=21
> > And not something that looks more like :
> > SELECT ... FROM tbl_composer LEFT JOIN ... as Component ON... LEFT
> > JOIN ... as Composite ON ... WHERE component_id=12;
> > because the Composite and the Component belongsTo the Composer.
> > On 26 juil, 18:27, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > $this->Model->recursive = 0; <---try to put that beofre the
> > > findAll()... it will limit how manyqueriesare made and how much data
> > > is returned.
> > > Does this answer your question?
> > > On Jul 26, 8:12 am, Saymons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi everyone,
> > > > I am using CakePHP 1.1.last_version_here and PostgreSQL 8.0.12
> > > > I have a question about the belongsTo association :
> > > > My models are the following :
> > > > Asset->HABTM Composer
> > > > Composer -> BelongsTo Composite(Asset) and Component(Asset)
> > > > So an Asset can have many "sons" and many "parents" of the same type.
> > > > When I'm loading an Asset, the models reads well the data about the
> > > > Asset himself, but when looking to the HABTM, it reads the Composer
> > > > table, and then for each row of the table, it reads the Composite and
> > > > the Component :
> > > > SELECT ... FROM tbl_asset WHERE id=12 -> gives me data about the asset
> > > > SELECT ... FROM tbl_composer WHERE component_id=12 -> gives me every
> > > > composite_id (let's say 15,17 and 21)
> > > > but then
> > > > SELECT ... FROM tbl_asset WHERE id=15
> > > > SELECT ... FROM tbl_asset WHERE id=17
> > > > SELECT ... FROM tbl_asset WHERE id=21
> > > > Is there a way that the Composer could join on the Asset table, not to
> > > > have so manyqueries?
> > > > Thx
> > > > PS : excuse my English, i'm french

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