Hmm... well usually what you'd want to do is put the secret value into
a session variable,

$this->Session->write('secretvalue', 'whateverthesecretvalueis');

Once the person has posted the value from the hidden input tag, you
can then check it against the secret value to make sure that they're
the same.

if($this->Session->check('secretvalue') {
if ($this->Session->read('secretvalue') == $this->data['Model']
['secretvalue']) {
    // everything's a ok....
    // bad hacker... bad!
   // session value not set, do a redirect

You can also look at the Security component in the CakePHP manual for
more security helpers, like requirePost to require a POST rather than
a GET request.
I also recommend that you buy 'Esential PHP Security' by Chris

Hope this helps : ).

On Jul 30, 2:42 pm, morecakepls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> What if my table is named User and there are three fields called
> Username, Password, Secretvalue. I present the user a form to change
> the username and password and use the $this->User->save($this->data)
> function in the controller to save the form data to the database.
> I managed to use firefox to create another input element for the
> Secretvalue and changed the Secretvalue in the User table. Is this not
> a serious security issue? How can I avoid this? Should I validate
> before saving data to the database?
> Thanks
> morecakepls

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