I'd also recommend implementing gzip[1] where possible. When I use
AssetPackager to combine Prototype, Scriptaculous and my other custom
javascripts, then tell my web server to gzip any javascript documents,
it results in about 52k for that single file.

[1] http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#gzip


On Jul 30, 6:13 pm, "Howard Glynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brad's recent post (http://tinyurl.com/3bxj9s) on asset packager has
> helped
> a lot, but I'm still struggling with response time on a large intranet app.
> Before
> I get jumped on, even though my database relationships are fairly complex, I
> don't believe the (cake)php page is the problem. Crude measurement with
> firebug shows the 72k of prototype sticking out like a sore thumb. It
> represents
> a large chunk of overall time before the browser request cycle finishes.
> Essentially, I only need to use ajax helper+prototype for stuff like div
> remote
> loads, links and form submissions (which is probably quite a lot now I think
> about it)
> This rather dated blog posting (http://tinyurl.com/yyw5kd) describes a
> method by
> which to vastly reduce the size. i dropped the download into my app but
> things
> stopped. I followed the method suggested to roll my own but it didn't work
> (probably
> incompatible versions) and I've run out of time tonight to pursue further.
> Before I go diving into the prototype src components tomorrow, has anyone
> got any
> advice / experience / downloads on thinning out a recent up to date
> prototype for
> use with cake [1.2] and ajaxhelper??
> --
> Howard Glynn  -  Edinburgh, UK
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -  email, google talk, facebook

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