Apologies for the slightly newbie email - Im finding my way around the
cake API a little tricky

Basically I'm trying to do inplace editing. Key elements (if you are
coming across this post looking as to how to do it) are:
<?php print $html->charsetTag('UTF-8'); ?>
<?php print $javascript->link('prototype'); ?>
<?php print $javascript->link('scriptaculous.js?
load=effects,controls'); ?> in the default layout
2. <span id="edit-parent1_name"><?php echo $participant['Participant']
['parent1_name']?></span><?php echo $ajax->editor('edit-
parent1_name','update/'); ?> in your view.

which provides a simple onmouseover -> text box for the text to be
However I cant debug what the heck cake is receiving and thus I cant
try and save anything.

In my controller:
    function update(){
        //   $this->Participant->save($this->data['Participant']);
             $this->render('done', 'ajax');

- How do I get the Participant model to save just one field - not the
whole model? Im guessing something like

Any ideas???
Anyone know of a demo of the inplace editor and cake being used at



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