
Thank you for the reply. Now I'm not sure you understand me correctly,
or I am not sure I understand myself :P. I am aware of this method,
filtering a HABTM relationship creating a "dummy" model in the join
table. I already have something like this and it works perfectly.

What I don't understand what you are saying is, what I tables should
be made? Are you saying that all is necessary is the join table
FansUsers and then in there do something like User.id, and Fan.id, and
The FansUsers each FansUser belongs to one user? I don't understand
how that would work because If I have user A, and he has fans B and C,
then I want fans B and C to belongs to their corresponding
information, so when I pull up the fans for user A, I get user B and
user C's information.
So if I understand you correctly, I will only need one extra table,
and will just need to fabricate a join table everytime I wish to find
the fans of a user?

Thank you,

On Aug 1, 8:59 am, rtconner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I'm catching what you are doing... You have to create a FansUser
> model and add some relationships to it.
> http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php/browse_frm/thread/f23b1825050...http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php/browse_frm/thread/8cbf01f7a9a...
> I think.. this is what you want. I could be wrong though.
> On Aug 1, 9:47 am, Jim Newfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Anyone? Sorry, I am just stuck. If there was some way in cake to
> > specify an alternative key it is searching for in the foreign table, I
> > think that may solve my problem.
> > Thanks.
> > Jim.
> > On Jul 31, 1:55 pm, Jim Newfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello everyone,
> > > Last resort post, I am stuck. What I have done is create a "friends"
> > > system in my app. Although it is mildly tricky because the friends are
> > > the same thing as users, just using an alias.
> > > My tables look like this right now (only relevant information shown):
> > > Users:
> > > Id
> > > Fans_Users:
> > > fan_id
> > > user_id
> > > Fans:
> > > id
> > > fans_info
> > > The fan is just an alias for another user. I have the HABTM
> > > association set up fine and dandy. But what I cannot seem to get to
> > > work no matter what I try, is get the user infomation to be be pulled
> > > up with that fan. For example, User 67 has two fans, users 45 and
> > > users 46. Not when I query for User 67, his two fans are shown, users
> > > 45 and 46. BUT, I want users 45 and users 46 information to be shown
> > > as well. I have tried all sorts of combinations of hasOne/belongsTo in
> > > the fans table to get the fan to link to some user info. Even tried
> > > adding a fan_id to the user table, (which is the same thing as their
> > > id) And linking it to that. Problem is, it is matching the Fan.id to
> > > the fan.user_id which is obviously a problem. I was thinking if I
> > > could somehow modify the primary key it is searching for in the local
> > > table, it could work (instead of matching the Fan.id to the User.id,
> > > match the Fan.fan_id to the User.id)
> > > I am really stuck here, has anyone attempting anything similar?
> > > Thanks.
> > > Jim

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