Luke, I did find what you described but could not get it to work for the
input name, only the input value.  I recently posted a blog entry on
multi-record forms, including redisplaying the errors, although it sounds
like you got it sorted, using a similar approach to what I have used in my
blog post.

Travis, this seems to be coming up again and again on the mailing list and I
think it would be a great addition to the core FormHelper.  As FormHelper
already supports this format for the input value, it would seem that it is
doable for the input name and id.  When I get time I will try to do this and
submit it as an enhancement to the trac.


On 8/9/07, Travis Cline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 25, 6:27 pm, Geoff Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hmm.. Very interesting.  I had not seen that before.  I might have a
> > play later on and see if I can get it to work.  I'll let you know how
> > I go.
> >
> > Geoff
> > --
> I've also been interested in seeing what it would mean to have the
> core support for fields in such a format:
> data[Model][<?= $i; ?>][id]
> I don't think it's trivial.  I wonder if the devs consider this too
> edge case, it would surely be slick.
> --
> Travis
> >


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