This is an "effect" of the scriptacolous library. Basically you
function should look like this : new Effect('SlidDown'); ..I have done
this somewhere, but I need to search for it.

hope this helps

On Aug 9, 6:55 am, housebolt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <?php echo $ajax->link('Ajax', '/contact/',
> array('update'=>'changediv', 'indicator'=>'loaddiv',
> 'loading'=>"showById('loading'); hideById('changediv');",
> 'complete'=>"slidedown....
> I believe that's how you do it. I can't remember if you need to add
> the "function() { " to it, but I don't have enough time to test it
> out. Go take a look at the ajax helper in the manual, especially at
> the $options keys section.
> On Aug 8, 6:47 pm, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a few questions involving ajax.
> > This is what I have so far:
> > <?php echo $ajax->link('Ajax', '/contact/', array('update' => 'changediv',
> > 'indicator' => 'loaddiv')); ?>
> > My problem is that it uses I've seen a slide used on a CakePHP
> > site before. The output was something like this:
> > new Ajax.Updater('changediv','/contact/', {asynchronous:true,
> > evalScripts:true, onLoading:function(request) { showById('loading');
> > hideById('changediv');}, onComplete:function(request)
> > {slideDown('changediv'); hideById('loading');}, requestHeaders:['X-Update',
> > 'changediv']}) }, false);
> > So my question is. How did they implement the "slideDown/showById, hideById,
> > etc.? At first I thought maybe it was done manually, but after closer
> > scrutiny I realized it was Cake.
> > Any ideas?
> > ThanX in advance.
> > --
> > Baz L
> > Day In The Life of Baz

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