Have you tried $household_id = $this->Household->field("id",
array('id' => $match_userid)); instead?  That seems to work for me...

On Aug 9, 1:34 pm, phalvrson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> True - I changed to use the buit-in functions - ie save()  but I still
> have the same problem.  The problem is that the line "$household_id =
> $this->Household->field("id", $match_userid);" doesn't always issue
> it's underlying SQL SELECT `Household`.`id` FROM `households` AS
> `Household` WHERE `Household`.`userid` = '115603'  statement - it
> seems to assume that id is already set correctly or something....  Can
> you please explain this behavior?  I've tried inserting a 
> "$this->Household->create()"  prior to that statement to re-initialize
> things, but that seems to have no effect on this behavior....
> Latest controller code:
>         function process_csv_file()
>         {
>                 $this->pageTitle = 'Process CSV File';
>                 $checkFileFields = Array ( "id", "Item", "Qty", "Household", 
> "HHID",
> "FirstName", "LastName", "UserID", "Processed", "SchoolLocation",
> "HouseholdEmail", "Address1", "Address2", "City", "State", "Zip",
> "REFERENCE#2" );
>                 if (!empty($this->params['form'])) {
>                 $file_handle = fopen($this->params['form']['File']
> ['tmp_name'],"r");
>                         $label_fields = fgetcsv ($file_handle);
>                         $last_household_id = null;
>                         if ($checkFileFields == $label_fields) {
>                                 $last_processed_student = null;
>                                 $current_order_id = null;
>                                 while (!feof($file_handle)) {
>                                         $csv_fields = fgetcsv ($file_handle);
>                                         /* Remember who we are processing - 
> one order per student */
>                                         $first_name = $csv_fields[5];
>                                         $last_name = $csv_fields[6];
>                                         $check_name = $first_name . ' ' . 
> $last_name;
>                                         /* Process the households db part. */
>                                         $this_userid = $csv_fields[7];
>                                         $match_userid = "Household.userid = 
> '" . $this_userid . "'";
>                                         $household_id = 
> $this->Household->field("id", $match_userid);
>                                         if (($household_id) || 
> ($this->Household->exists())) {
>                                                 /* Nothing to do - already 
> have household id */
>                                         } else {
> $this->data['Household']['last_name'] = $last_name;
> $this->data['Household']['HHID'] = $csv_fields[4];
> $this->data['Household']['userid'] = $this_userid;
> $this->data['Household']['email'] = $csv_fields[10];
> $this->data['Household']['address_1'] = $csv_fields[11];
> $this->data['Household']['address_2'] = $csv_fields[12];
> $this->data['Household']['city'] = $csv_fields[13];
> $this->data['Household']['state'] = $csv_fields[14];
> $this->data['Household']['zipcode'] = $csv_fields[15];
>                                                 $this->Household->save( 
> $this->data);
>                                                 $household_id = 
> $this->Household->getLastInsertID();
>                                         }
>                                         print_r($household_id);
>                                         print_r($this->Household->id);
>                                         /* Process the students db part. */
>                                         $match_student_name = 
> "Student.first_name = '$first_name' AND
> Student.last_name = '$last_name' ";
>                                         $student_id = 
> $this->Student->field("id", $match_student_name);
>                                         if (($student_id) || 
> ($this->Student->exists())) {
>                                                 /* Nothing to do - already 
> have student id */
>                                         } else {
> $this->data['Student']['first_name'] = $first_name;
> $this->data['Student']['last_name'] = $last_name;
> $this->data['Student']['household_id'] = $household_id;
> $this->data['Student']['school_location'] = $csv_fields[9];
>                                                 $this->Student->save( 
> $this->data);
>                                                 $student_id = 
> $this->Student->getLastInsertID();
>                                         }
>                                         print_r($student_id);
>                                         $csv_records[] = $csv_fields;
>                                 }
>                                 fclose($file_handle);
>                         } else {
>                                 echo "Mismatched File";
>                         }
>                 }
>                 $this->set('csv_records', $csv_records);
>         }
> Latest Model:
> class Household extends AppModel
> {
>         var $name = 'Household';
> }
> SQL output:
> 2       DESCRIBE `orders`
> 3       DESCRIBE `order_items`
> 4       DESCRIBE `households`
> 5       DESCRIBE `students`
> 6       DESCRIBE `products`
> 7       SELECT `Household`.`id` FROM `households` AS `Household` WHERE
> `Household`.`userid` = '115603' LIMIT 1
> 8       INSERT INTO `households`
> (`last_name`,`HHID`,`userid`,`email`,`address_1`,`city`,`state`,`zipcode`)
> VALUES ('Miller',14821,'115603','[EMAIL PROTECTED]','123 Main
> St','Laveen','AZ','85339')
> 9       SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS insertID
> 10      SELECT `Student`.`id` FROM `students` AS `Student` WHERE
> `Student`.`first_name` = 'Bill' AND `Student`.`last_name` = 'Miller'
> 11      INSERT INTO `students`
> (`first_name`,`last_name`,`household_id`,`school_location`) VALUES
> ('Bill','Miller',1,'ACA')
> 12      SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS insertID
> 13      SELECT `Household`.`id` FROM `households` AS `Household` WHERE
> `Household`.`userid` = '126448' LIMIT 1
> 14      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `households` WHERE `id` = 1
> 15      SELECT `Student`.`id` FROM `students` AS `Student` WHERE
> `Student`.`first_name` = 'John' AND `Student`.`last_name` = 'Wilson'
> 16      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `students` WHERE `id` = 1
> 17      SELECT `Household`.`id` FROM `households` AS `Household` WHERE
> `Household`.`userid` = '136285' LIMIT 1
> 18      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `households` WHERE `id` = 1
> 19      SELECT `Student`.`id` FROM `students` AS `Student` WHERE
> `Student`.`first_name` = 'Jonathan' AND `Student`.`last_name` =
> 'Bradford' LIMIT 1
> 20      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `students` WHERE `id` = 1
> 21      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `households` WHERE `id` = 1
> 22      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `students` WHERE `id` = 1
> 23      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `households` WHERE `id` = 1
> 24      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `students` WHERE `id` = 1
> 25      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `households` WHERE `id` = 1
> 26      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `students` WHERE `id` = 1
> 27      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `households` WHERE `id` = 1
> 28      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `students` WHERE `id` = 1
> 29      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `households` WHERE `id` = 1
> 30      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `students` WHERE `id` = 1
> 31      SELECT `Household`.`id` FROM `households` AS `Household` WHERE
> `Household`.`userid` = '144970' LIMIT 1
> 32      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `households` WHERE `id` = 1
> 33      SELECT `Student`.`id` FROM `students` AS `Student` WHERE
> `Student`.`first_name` = 'Paula' AND `Student`.`last_name` = 'Rondo'
> 34      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `students` WHERE `id` = 1
> 35      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `households` WHERE `id` = 1
> 36      SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM `students` WHERE `id` = 1
> On Aug 9, 7:03 am, "Chris Hartjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 8/8/07, phalvrson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The Household Model:
> > > class Household extends AppModel
> > > {
> > >         var $name = 'Household';
> > >         /* Creates new record in households and returns it's ID */
> > >         function createRecord ($last_name, $HHID, $userid, $email,
> > > $address_1, $address_2, $city, $state, $zipcode)
> > >         {
> > >                 $execString = "INSERT households SET ";
> > >                 $execString .= " last_name = '" . $last_name . "',";
> > >                 $execString .= " HHID = '" . $HHID . "',";
> > >                 $execString .= " userid = '" . $userid . "',";
> > >                 $execString .= " email = '" . $email . "',";
> > >                 $execString .= " address_1 = '" . $address_1 . "',";
> > >                 $execString .= " address_2 = '" . $address_2 . "',";
> > >                 $execString .= " city = '" . $city . "',";
> > >                 $execString .= " state = '" . $state . "',";
> > >                 $execString .= " zipcode = '" . $zipcode . "'";
> > >                 $this->execute($execString);
> > >                 return;
> > >         }
> > > }
> > Why aren't you using the built-in Model functions?  For what you are
> > doing there is no need for custom SQL queries.
> > --
> > Chris Hartjes
> > Senior Developer
> > Cake Development Corporation
> > My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"
> > @TheBallpark -http://www.littlehart.net/attheballpark
> > @TheKeyboard -http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard

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