I'm using the latest (5501) from 1.2 branch of the repository.

I baked my app with scaffolding and the associated actions at the
bottom of the page are generating two different result urls.

<li><?php echo $html->link(__('List', true).' '.__('Recipes', true),
array('controller'=> 'recipes', 'action'=>'index')); ?> </li>
<li><?php echo $html->link(__('New', true).' '.__('Recipe', true),
array('controller'=> 'recipes', 'action'=>'add')); ?> </li>

The first html->link will generate a url as 'http://localhost/recipes/
bare/recipes/index' with the addition of the /bare, This is

The second html->link will generate the url as 'http://localhost/
recipes/recipes/add' without the bare which is what I expected.

I've spent sometime digging in the helpers\html.php , helper.php and
router.php, I believe the problem is in either the mapRouteElements
function or the built up list of routes in __connectDefaultRoutes,
there are two lines added to the routes map:

                $_this->connect('/bare/:controller/:action/*', array('bare' =>
                $_this->connect('/ajax/:controller/:action/*', array('bare' =>

If I comment these out then all works, except for if I wanted to use
bare or ajax.

The mapRouteElements iterates over the possible routes and exits upon
the first match. I'm not sure if the problem is the routes array is in
the wrong order or the matching is failing.

any help would be great.
I guess for me its time to spruce up my regex skills to see if I can
figure out the matching conditions and why this specific route is
chosen over the more generic route.


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