Thanks, a lot, after some chats with the hosting people, they deleted
the .htaccess files specified in the blog tutorial and almost
everything is working now.

I have another problem though, and this time it's related to including
javascript files. I use

echo $javascript->link('prototype');

to include Prototype in the templates. I've already tried with some
other methods listed in the API docs. I guess this should add
something like

<script src="/demoav/app/webroot/js/prototype.js"></script>

to the page, but it doesn't. PHP just halts execution of the script
and the page returned to the browser is 7 lines long -- from the
doctype declaration to a css link made with $html->link(). If instead
of the cake code I write the HTML <script src=""> tag, it works OK.

Can anybody help me with this? Thanks in advance.


Geoff Ford wrote:
> This page works -
> So it seems that it is still trying to use mod_rewrite  - make sure
> you did not upload the .htaccess files.
> Then double check your path settings in index.php - the css files etc.
> are not making it through the routing process.
> Geoff
> --
> On Aug 18, 6:09 pm, ifcanduela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > C'mon guys, anyone knows what could be happening here?
> >
> > -Igor

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