I am fairly new to cakephp and I have an implementation question which
I need some advice on especially where to place the code in
(Controller, Model, Component?).

My application is a course registration app.

- Person (hasMany CourseRegistrations)
- Course (hasMany CourseRegistrations)
- Courseregistration(BelongsTo Course and Person)

Members can sign up for courses. The "normal membership" includes 1
course per month. Additional courses can be booked but they are
billable unless member has credit balance... which is deducted etc.

The admin interface allows adding courseregistrations, rescheduling to
another month, deletion etc.
The problem I have is that the courseregistations are dependant on
each other and must be recalculated otherwise they reflect an
incorrect status:

For example:
a delete operation on one coursregistration effects the others.

x1 (nonbillable) delete
x2 (billable)
x3 (billable)

x2 (billable) WRONG should be modified to nonbillable
x3 (billable)

Move operation where x3 is rescheduled to previous month. The status
of x3 must be billable and x4 must be changed to nonbillable too!

January                        February
x1 (nonbillable)          x3 (nonbillable) move
x2 (billable)                 x4 (billable)

January                        February
x1 (nonbillable)          x4 (nonbillable)
x2 (billable)
x3 (billable)

What is a good cakephp MVC approach to solving this kind of problem?
Who should be responsible for a Courseregistration - the Person, the
Course or both???


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