I would take a look at Model::loadInfo() if I were you, also

Hope they help!


On Sep 6, 11:44 am, "Mike Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for that, I've got slightly further along which i'm very very
> happy about. I still need to find a way of "discovering" what any
> particular table's primarykey is, otherwise my paginator will keep
> trying to find a field called "ID".
> Many thanks
> MIke
> On 06/09/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Your best bet here is to create new config members in the
> > DATABASE_CONFIG class, you can then use DataSource:reconnect to swap
> > your alt config for the others you've just created. Your models would
> > then useDbConfig alt, which would actually no longer be alt, but
> > whichever config you reconnected to.
> > eg.
> > $db = ConnectionManager :: getDataSource('alt');
> > $db->reconnect($dbConfig->{$to});
> > Of course you don't even need to create the other dbs in
> > DATABASE_CONFIG. You can just pass the array straight into reconnect
> > above, I just find it more elegant in my use case to prepare config
> > for all the possible dbs I might want in the config code in advance.
> > Simon
> > On Sep 6, 11:12 am, "Mike Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Dear all
> > > Has anybody here successfully created a database config and model
> > > dynamically using the latest cake 1.2? I want to create something not
> > > a million miles away from phpmyadmin, and as you can imagine, for an
> > > app like that, you cant pre-set the database or models before hand as
> > > you know nothing about the data source.
> > > Ideally, I'd like to read a database config file (from anywhere, an
> > > ini file, fields from a database, input from a user) and then be able
> > > to create the dbconfig on the fly - which I can do using something
> > > like:
> > > $_this =& ConnectionManager::getInstance();
> > > $_this->config->alt['password']=$info['db_pass'];
> > > $_this->config->alt['login']=$info['db_user'];
> > > $_this->config->alt['database']=$info['db_name'];
> > > $_this->config->alt['host']=$info['db_host'];
> > > where alt is just a dummy dbconfig that I can populate.
> > > then set up a model, and tell the model to use the newly created (or
> > > altered) configuration. However, my attempts at this have failed, the
> > > model always expects a database and table to be present, but when I
> > > try to change this on the fly using
> > > $this->Dummy->useTable = $info['from'];
> > > $this->Dummy->useDbConfig="alt";
> > > However, when I try to use this "Dummy" Model through cakes paginator,
> > > it still tries to see the fields from whatever Dummy Model was set to
> > > when it was loaded.
> > > I hope one of you can see the predicament that I'm in. I'm looking for
> > > a solution which only uses the cakephp1.2 (svn) functions - I wouldnt
> > > be happy using any third party pagination, however using the
> > > pagination class from the bakery in my cake 1.1 was working to an
> > > extent.
> > > I guess the best way to describe what I'm trying to achieve is if you
> > > were trying to recreate phpmyadmin using cake1.2, with its results
> > > pagination, dynamic database, custom queries etc, but on a lot smaller
> > > scale, to be able to generate reports based on a database on the fly
> > > (nothing hard coded)
> > > Many thanks in advance
> > > MIke
> > > --
> > > ------------------------------------
> > > Mike Green
> > > Find yourself some misspelled ebay bargains!http://www.typingwand.com
> --
> ------------------------------------
> Mike Green
> Find yourself some misspelled ebay bargains!http://www.typingwand.com

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