ummm, I think its the "hasOneAndBelongsToMany" should be

as far as I know there isn't a hasOneAndBelongsToMany

On Sep 10, 8:01 am, "Sebastian Choren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi. I've got 2 models, n<->m, and i'm trying to asociate them with HABTM, so
> i wrote this code:
> <?php
> class Media extends AppModel {
>     var $name = 'Media';
>     var $belongsTo = array('MediaCategory' => array(
>                                 'foreignKey' => 'category_id'
>                             )
>                         );
>     var $hasOneAndBelongsToMany = array('RateRequest');}
> ?>
> <?php
> class RateRequests extends AppModel {
>     var $name = 'RateRequests';
>     var $hasOneAndBelongsToMany = array('Media');}
> ?>
> I don't get any error, so i think there's no mistake. I've used all cake
> conventions in the db naming (tables, fields, etc).
> i've got an intermediate table (called 'media_rate_request'). I don't have a
> model for this table, but as far as i know from reading in this group and in
> the bakery, i think that model isn't necessary.
> My problem is that when an action calls for example $this->Media->findAll();
> i get the first associated table, but i don't get anything from the HABTM
> relation. Why am i having this problem????
> Thank you!!!

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