1.2 session component supports this out of the box.

function setFlash($message, $layout = 'default', $params = array(),
$key = 'flash') {

Never used it personally, but that might help. From reading bits of
the code it looks like it uses view->renderLayout(), so you would need
to create a new layout for each message template, rather than an
element. I guess you could even call renderElement() from that layout
if you wanted.


On Sep 11, 12:18 am, grigri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd do something like this: create an element for each flash chunk you
> want to display, then store the references in the session - separately
> from the normal flash data.
> /app/elements/flash-email-not-unique.ctp :
> <div class="flash-chunk">
>  <h3>Email not unique</h3>
>  <p>
> Someone is already using the email address <var><?php echo
> htmlentities($email); ?></var>; to view their information <?php echo
> $html->link('click here', '/users/view/' . $user_id, array('title' =>
> '\'Click here\' is really bad link text')); ?>.
>  </p>
> </div>
> /app/controllers/users_controller.php :
> function add() {
>   // ... bla bla bla
>   if (...) {
>     // Want to display flash chunk - pass view parameters (user_id and
> email)
>     $this->Session->write('MyFlash', array('chunk' => 'email-not-
> unique', 'user_id' => $foo, 'email' => $bar));
>   }
> }
> /app/views/layouts/default.ctp
> (before/after where the normal flash bit is)
> <?php
> if ($session->check('MyFlash')) {
>   $chunk_info = $session->read('MyFlash');
>   $session->del('MyFlash');
>   $chunk_name = 'flash-' . $chunk_info['chunk'];
>   unset($chunk_info['chunk']);
>   echo $this->renderElement($chunk_name, $chunk_info);}
> ?>
> Of course, this is just a base idea - you could easily extend this to
> having multiple 'chunks' displayed and so forth. But the basic idea
> is: if what you are going to display is more complicated than simple
> text, then it should be rendered by a view (here, an element).
> You might also want the model to specify what error is to be
> displayed, then for the controller to interpret this, rather than
> having the controller do it directly.
> Hope this helps (and works)
> On Sep 9, 6:34 pm, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > Here are situations where one might want to include a link in a flash.
> > For example, my app sometimes generates random user passwords. If a
> > user has one of these passwords, I would like to flash 'If you would
> > like to change your password, click here' when they log in.
> > The same thing is conceivable with validation errors. Imagine I am
> > checking that a registering user's email doesn't already exist in the
> > database, and if it does I want to generate an error message like
> > 'someone is already using this email address. To view their
> > information, click here'.
> > I suppose the fundamental problem is that flashes are really part of
> > the view rather than the controller, but as they are generated in the
> > controller you don't have access to helper methods for generating
> > links, etc.
> > I would like to know if anyone has tackled this problem in their app,
> > and if so what technique they used to go about it. Any ideas?
> > Thanks!
> > David

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