Howdy all,

I've been scouring the internet looking for a solution to this, but
I'm coming up empty. If you are familiar with the Mint stat software
package (, and intimately acquainted with
CakePHP, you might be able to solve this puzzler.

Mint has a plugin called Bird Feeder which is a feed tracker similar
to Feedburner, tracking subscribers and item clicks. To install the
plugin, you must add two lines of code to your feed template. The
problem is, when this is done in CakePHP, it causes the Feed to be...
well... blank. No information. Not even an error. I even upped my
debug level and still nothing. Just an empty document.

If you think you can be of help, or need more information, please read
this forum entry:

... in which another mint user has the same problem. They explain/know
more about the problem than I do, but no solution is given.

My feed follows the RSS method laid out at
but I have also tried several of the methods documented in the Bakery,
all with the same outcome.

Please let me know if you can help. I'll be happy to give any
information I can. Thanks.

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