I've tried replying to this thread regarding invoking cake through a
but Google won't let me, so am starting this new thread, while
referencing the older one.

If anyone else has encountered the following problem, and was
successful in resolving it, I would appreciate the heads up on what
you did.

As described in the very clear bakery article
I took a copy of app/webroot/index.php,  modified it to take command
line arguments of controller/action, then placed it in a file called
cron_dispatcher.php in the app/ directory.

Here is the problem:

When I invoke the cron_dispatcher.php as follows:

php cron_dispatcher.php /orders/my_alert

It invokes cake fine, extracts the parameters fine, but then cake
gives the following error:

404 Not found
The requested address /orders/my_alert was not found on this server.

However, when I invoke http://mydomain.com/orders/my_alert through the
web, it finds the action and it runs as it should.

Any idea why through the web cake finds the controller/action, but not
when it is invoked through the cron?

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