My issue here is that I have an Article model and I want to be able to
associate articles with other articles.  It works in as much as I can
relate one article to several others, but I need the relationship to
go both ways.

For example, in the backend of my site, a user associates article 1
with article 75 and in the view of article 1, article 75 is listed as
a related article... but is there a way to make it so that the view
for article 75 lists article 1 under as a related article, as well?

I've tried searching for information, but I can't seem to hit upon the
right set of search terms.  Surely someone must have needed to do this
at some point.

This is what I currently have in my Article model.

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
                       'RelatedArticle' => array('className' =>
                                                'joinTable' =>
                                                'foreignKey' =>
'associationForeignKey' => 'related_id',
                                                'conditions' => '',
                                                'fields' => '',
                                                'order' => '',
                                                'limit' => '',
                                                'offset' => '',
                                                'unique' => '',
                                                'finderQuery' => '',
                                                'deleteQuery' => '',
                                                'insertQuery' => ''),

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